Computer Graphics Double for Free cheak it now
The reason is that graphics cardsmanufacturers have to guarantee a certain level of performance for everysingle graphics card before it gets shipped to the consumer but each graphics card is going todiffer slightly from the manufacturing process and might not have the samecapability of performance, so they lower the baseline performance below what eachgraphics card usually can, so that they're sure that every graphics card iscapable of that certain guaranteed level. This means that almost all graphicscards have additional unused resources they're just deactivated to match thelowest common denominator of performance. So in this video I'm going to walk youthrough how you can unlock those extra GPU resources and fortunately this canbe done right in windows with no difficulty overclocking required. In factif you happen to already have overclocked your GPU,
you can still dothis and unlock those extra resources so you'll get an even bigger boost inperformance than you had before. In most cases I've done this and hadpeople try it, it seems like you can usually double the performance of yourgraphics card which is pretty crazy considering it really is only going totake a couple of minutes. So now let's head over to the computerand I'll show you what you have to do. Ok so here we are in windows 10 but thisshould work for any version of windows really. The first thing you need to do isgo to the Start panel and go to "All programs" and go down to "Windows Administrative Tools" and find"Performance Monitor" don't mix that up with Resource Monitor, it's PerformanceMonitor, and you want to also run that as an administrator, and now we have theperformance monitor.
So what we need to do is create a datacollector set so this is going to go and collect all the extra resources that areavailable for the system and we're going to create one our self, so it's going to be user defined andwe're going to use this to collect any extra resources that are available inyour graphics card and so it will improve the performance. So first we need to do is go touser-defined we can right click new data collector set and then check createmanually we're going to do this advanced, but I'llwalk you through it. Now you can call this really anything you want let's justcall it Graphics so it's easy to remember, andthen you want to check performance counter and system configurationinformation. You don't have to check this it doesn'tmatter and create data logs. Next. Then this is what gets a little bitcomplicated. First you want to add some performancecounters, so what you wanna do is add and then find remote graphics already rightthere "RemoteFX Graphics" and this is basicallygoing to allow us to modify some of the properties of the GPU and the ones youwant to select are "Frame Quality" so highlight that and click Add. You alsowant to do "Graphics Compression Ratio" that's going to increase the visualperformance of the graphics card by actually compressing it less,
so eachframe looks better, and then of course "Output Frames per Second" this is going to increase the FPS ingames overall. So then now those three are selected wecan click OK and then for the sample interval what we want to do is basically set thisas the same as your monitor refresh rate so for me it's 144 and that's just goingto set the sample interval for how often to check for this extra quality andchange it. So if you have a 60 Hertz monitor, or 120Hertz monitor you just put that in there. Click Next and we're not going to doanything with the registry so you can click next through that, and then for rootdirectory just keep that the same doesn't really matter and then next we can click default anddon't change that. And now that we created this we can do"open properties for this data collector set" and click finish and now that'sgoing to open this.
Or alternatively you can just rightclick on this and hit properties and open that that way. So the first thing you need to do inhere we're going to change some of these properties but it's not that difficult. The first thing we need to do is addsome keywords and this allows the operating system to know what we areactually wanting to do with the GPU and which one to increase so if you justleft it like this nothing would happen The first thing you want to do is clickAdd and then "GPU" so windows is going to know that were modifying and unlocking aGPU as opposed to some other maybe integrated graphics or something likethat and then the next thing you want to add is the name of the graphics card. So for me it's Nvidia GTX 980 and thenfinally we need to add the multiplier to see how much we want to actuallyincrease the performance.
So any value between one and two willwork so you can do 1.5 and that wouldmultiply the graphics by 1.5 power but we're going to do - that's the maximumand if you go above to it wouldn't do anything anyway but you could do 1.5 for example butthere's no reason to do anything less than two we want the maximum we can get that'sthe hardware limit. Next we want to go to the... You can clickApply by the way. Next you can go to Stop Condition. So wewant to check overall duration which determines the cycle length forincreasing the performance, and one second is pretty good actually. If you have a really good computer youcan set it higher maybe to 5, I'll put it on 3 for now, see how that goesclick apply. And then that's pretty much it That's all you have to do for this and then we can click OK. Now what weneed to do is click Graphics so click it in this panel and this is going to showthe different data collectors and what we want to do is click "DataCollector01" performance counter, right click that and hit properties and this is going tobring up this window here and again you want to make sure the sample interval iswhat we entered before it should stay default, and for this you can keep it "binary", then for maximum samples what wewant to do is multiply the sample interval by 2.
So in this case it would be to 288 and wedo that because we're doubling, we use that multiplier from before. If you were doing 1.5 for example you doyour interval x1.5 put that in here but I'm just going to assume that you'reputting it on two, there's no reason not to. And this is just to ensure that there isenough data to work with it when generating the samples to display, youwant to have a buffer of about two at least. So this should be good enough. If youhave a really slow computer you might want to lower this but you can probablydo 2 and it will be fine. And now we can click ok and that's it. So now all you have to do is justrestart the computer and then it's going to autoload the configurations onstartup. If you just tried to do a game right nowit wouldn't do anything, but after you restart there's nothing more to do.
Ok so now that we did all that weobviously need to figure out if it worked and how well, so I'm going to do abefore-and-after in a game and we can compare the two so let's go back to the computer realquick and do that test. Ok so I've loaded up counter strikeglobal offensive and as you can see I put all the settings on max as high asthey go so this will be pretty strenuous on thegraphics card for a good test so why don't we go and do abefore-and-after first i'm going to record without the upgrade and thenafterwards we'll see how much improved hopefully it'll be a good increase. Ok sowithout the upgrade it looks like I'm hovering between 66 and 65 FPS sometimesgoing up to even 67 but I have a 144 Hertz monitor so that's really notgood enough so I'd have to lower the settings unlesswe can somehow raise that FPS. If you had a 60 Hertz monitor that'd be fine buthopefully we can get above 144 for at least with the upgrade so why don't we go and change that anddo the upgrade and i'll come back and see what it looks like afterwards.
Now i'm back in the game after doing theupgrade and I can already see that the FPS is way higher topping into the 160s170s even. Way better than before, which was in the 60s. I think this is probably closer totripling not even doubling so now i should have no problem runningCS:GO on max settings even with that higher FPS, so clearlythis worked and got a great result out of it. So there you have it we saw a hugeincrease in the FPS and performance even on the highest settings and that wasjust one game this is going to increase theperformance of the GPU overall so it's going to increase theperformance of all games. So if you've been thinking about getting a new shinygraphics card you may try this and find out you don't even need to and if you dohave a new graphics card it's going to work even better. I hopethis worked for you guys I'd be interested to hear down in the commentssection how it went if you've got a huge increase may be amore moderate increase you can let us know down in the commentssection below.
Also if you liked this video and found it helpful be sure togive it a thumbs up so I know you liked it If you want to continue watching I'vegot some other tutorials on the right hand side you can just click those orlook in the description for the same link like if you're on a phone and ifyou want to subscribe I make new videos monday wednesdayfriday so i think it should be worth it i'm looking forward to hearing from youguys so thanks for watching I will see you next time have a good one.
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