How to Make YouTube Videos with Your smart Phone ! A 2 Z ! how to film, edit, and upload your YouTube video
Welcome to the full free tutorial of how to film, edit, and upload your YouTubevideo just using your phone. - , step-by-step our entire process for creating content forYouTube on your phone, whether you have an Android or an iPhone, and. - We're gonna be answering your top questions from the Think Media communit yon each of these steps. - So grab your phone, grab any accessories you have, get something to drink, get a journal and buckle your seatbelt 'cause we are getting started right now. You gotta just press record. To get started with video, allyou need is your smartphone. And in this video, we'regonna be breaking down how to shoot a videofor YouTube with this. - Now we're using the iPhone 8 but if you have an Androidor any other smartphone, you're gonna get massive value from this video so let's get into it. (techno pop music) - Hey, what's up? Sean Cannell here. - Heather Torres here. - And this is Think Media, bringing you the best tips and tools for building your influence with online video and social media, and we're so excited becausewe're in a four-part series. This is Part One of howto create YouTube videos with your smartphone. Part One is gonna be allabout shooting the video, then we're gonna dothumbnails in Part Two, how to edit in Part Three, and then finally,
how to upload it and optimizethe video in Part Four. - Now, when I first started on YouTube, all I had was a smartphone. I was not into gear. All of that was really intimidating to me so I just wanna encourageyou that this video is really gonna walk you step-by-step how to start creating content with the phone that you already have. (techno pop music) - [Sean] Tip number one isbefore you lock down your shot and set up any gear, put your phone in selfie modeand get a feel for the room. - Yeah, I took the phone like Sean said, selfie mode, walked around, 'cause I wanted to see what the background was gonna look like with me in the shot. Now, you might think that we do this really well at Think Media but it takes us a couple times. So you'll see I set up the shot first, and it didn't quite work out. So I wanted the tripod to beabout an arm's length away and I wanted the backgroundto not be too busy, so I moved around the room and then finally locked in the right shot. - Tip number two is get your gear ready. Now, here's the cool thing, you can start with your smartphone by just putting it on a pile of books using your on-camera microphone, but there's a few piecesof gear that we recommend to really level up yoursmartphone content, and that is a lighting kit. The lighting kit we have forthis shoot was under $100, and then also a microphone, and if you've got your dongle, then the microphone justplugs right into your phone, makes it sound better, and Heather was able toclip that to her shirt, and then finally, just atripod and a smartphone mount. And you could get all of that gear for right around $150 here in The U.S.. So if you wanna see links toany of those specific items, we'll post those in the description below. - Tip number three isto lock down your shot. Now, there's always the dilemma: Do you do the selfie mode ordo you do the normal camera? We suggest that you do the normal camera. And here's the best thing. I know I thought when I sat down, I can't see myself, but don't worry. Do a test shot first whereyou click the button, you sit down, you say somethingso you can test your audio, you can check the background, make sure everything'sin frame, it looks nice, and then, when you get started,everything's good to go. - Yeah. And the reason you wanna do that is because the normalcamera on most phones, the majority is so muchsuperior to the selfie camera. But here's the thing, you can still use theselfie camera if you want, but avoid this mistake. A lot of people, whenthey're having selfie mode, they look at themselves and not the lens. Therefore, people can seeit on the YouTube video. So do your best to look atthat little lens on your phone and that way, you'll be makingeye contact with the viewer. - Tip number four is tolock in your video settings before you start to shoot. Now, most cameras onyour phone will do 1080p, which is great. We recommend choosing that setting but if you have theoption for 4K, choose 4K. So in this video, we're doing4K at 30 frames per second. - Yeah, and later in the series, we're gonna be goingthrough how to edit that. And what's cool is on an iPhone 8 which is the phone we'reusing for this series, you'll be able to edit 4K easy. But here's the other thing,you can always shoot in 4K but then later down process it to 1080p and it'll still look better on YouTube, helping you get more viewsand build your brand faster. Psst, hey! I hope you're gettingvalue out of this video, and if you are, can yousmash the like button? All right, let's getright back into the tips. (Rosie barking) Rosie! - Tip number five isto deliver the content. Now, before I even satdown to record the video, there's two things that I did. The first thing is I researched what I wanted my video to be about. So I didn't just set up all my gear, sit down, stare at the camera and go, what am I gonna record? No, I actually knew what thevideo was gonna be about. The second thing I didwas I took the content that I knew I wanted to have in the video and I broke it down into points. That just helps me record the video better and it allows my audienceto be able to follow along with the video all the way to the end. Then, what I did was press record. Now, I walked through the entire video and just like you, I stumbled. I had to stop and restart and that's okay.
You're not gonna getit right the first time but just keep going. (smooth RnB music) - All right. And now that all thefootage is on the phone, it's ready for the edit. But there's actually onemore step before that and that is creating agreat thumbnail for YouTube. So if you wanna watchPart Two in this series, you can click or tap the YouTube card and we'll post a link to it in the description below as well. - And if you wanna watch the full video that I did on my iPhone for this video, you can check it out overon my homeschool channel, and we'll post that on the YouTube card or in the description below. - We are back and readyto answer some questions about the video we just watched. And a bunch of questionscame in about lighting, and specifically if theimage doesn't look very good because of low light and how to actually setup the lights right. So let's remember thatone of the best ways to get good-lookingvideo out of any camera is to actually invest in some lighting. If you can sit in frontof a window, that's good, but that's why werecommended a soft box kit that's sitting behind us so that you can actually improve the lighting in your videos. If the image quality is grainy or too sharp or looking weird, you definitely wannainvest in some lights. You don't have to get a big kit. There's actually a $20 ring light that you can just attach tothe selfie mode of your camera. We're going to actually link a lot of resources in this video. So we'll put them inthe YouTube description in the resource guide numberedby when we talk about them. But then the other question is how do you actually set up your lighting? So typically, with soft boxes like that, you want them off to theright side and the left side, raised up a little bitand pointing down at you. You don't really wantthe light shooting up. That's "Blair Witch Project". You don't really want it straight on. That can sometimes be intense.
You go a little bit higher and you point down withyour soft box lighting, and then you don'tnecessarily need each side to be at the same distance. Sometimes it's nice to have a little bit oflighting on one side. In fact, right now, wehave a window on this side, and then a bright ringlight on the other side, which gives a little bitof contrast to the shot. So here's a big tip on lighting: experiment until you feel good with it. Do some test shots, do some experiments. And then we also have somemore resources about this. - Yeah, and Nolan fromthe Think Media team did an excellent video all about how to set up three-point lighting. So if you wanna understand more about where you should be putting the lights and how you get that light onyour face right or behind you, definitely check that in the YouTube card, and we'll link that inthe description below. Now, Mackenzie also asked, howdo you get the right angle? And I feel you because this is something I had to practice too. Now, if you're down belowand you're shooting up, it's not really the mostflattering shot for your body. But if you're right straight on, this actually isn't the best shot either. You wanna go up a littlebit and angle down. It makes your body alittle more miniaturized, helping those features out. - And remember, just experimentand test your final shot and see how it looks.
It's also gonna affect theelements in the background. So a lot of this comes with just trial and error and practice. And so test your camera atdifferent heights and angles until you love the way it looks. - All right. So Tere asked, how do youget the blurry background? Now, here's the thing, with the iPhone or with the smartphones, your sensor size isn'tactually large enough to get the blurry background effect that you see in a lotof really cool videos but here's some tricks that I've tried. So you wanna be you, theobject closest to the camera, and you wanna have yourbackground furthest away.
That allows it to be softer,but not necessarily blurred. - Yeah, and here's the deal, if you actually want to eventually achieve some other cinematic looksand blurry background looks, you may wanna think aboutinvesting in a camera. One of our favoritecameras here at Think Media is the Canon M50. There's been some incredible deals on it. And again, we'll listsome of those resources in the resource guide. In fact, if you haven't downloaded our Think Media Gear Guide, then it's a great resource where we cover all thedifferent accessories not only for your smartphone, but also some of our topcamera recommendations. So actually, check out this spot. - Ready to get started on YouTube, but not sure what gear you need? Get your copy of the freeultimate video gear guide where we share the best cameras, lighting, and audio set up for every YouTube budget, Visit thinkgearguide.comto get started today. So Debbie asked, what's thebest way to get great audio? And step number one is actually if you're gonna start withjust the in-camera microphone, you wanna make sure that you are close because that microphone'sgonna pick up a lot. So you wanna make sure that you're talking directly to the camera and then it can pick up your audio. - Yeah. Also, if you're in a smaller room that has lower ceilings and carpet, we're actually in a big room here so we're using a differentkinda microphone to help us, and that would be our next tip is that you would use somekind of an external microphone.
You saw in the video that we just watched a little $20 clip-on BOYA mic, but you also can check out something like this Takstarmicrophone right here. It's a $25 shotgun mic. I've got the dongle connected to it, and then you can plug thatright into your lightning port, or if you have a headphone jack, you can plug that in there as well. And obviously, you mighthave some questions about some of thesesmartphone accessories. So we actually have awhole video out about this. We'll link that up on the YouTube card, as well as post it in the resource guide. - Okay, so we'll answersome more questions after this next part. And I'm excited for thisbecause we are going to get into how to create a thumbnailusing your smartphone. But if you're gettingvalue out of this video, make sure to smash that like button. And now, let's get into Part Two. One of the most important elements of growing your YouTube channelis creating great thumbnails but you don't need a fancy camera or a computer to get started.
All you need is your iPhone. So in this video, I'll bebreaking down my three easy steps for creating thumbnailswith just your phone. (techno pop music) Hey, it's Heather Torreshere with Think Media, helping you build your influence with online video and social media. And on this channel, we dotechy reviews, strategy videos, and tutorial videos just like this so if you're new here,consider subscribing. So now, I know when youget started on YouTube, it can be scary actuallyhaving to figure out cameras and figure out the editing software to just create a simple thumbnail, and so I wanna walk you through the three-step process that I use when I create mythumbnails using my phone. So let's jump into the tips. One of the first majorpoints of understanding how to make a great thumbnail is really not even using the phone yet. You wanna think aboutstarting with the end in mind. So you wanna think about what type of emotion shouldyou have in your face when you're making your thumbnail, or are you gonna have words on the side that you need to be pointing to, or where are you gonna be looking at? So before you even getstarted making the thumbnail, really think about the end in mind of what you want thatthumbnail to look like. On YouTube, the type of thumbnailsthat get the most clicks are the ones that have emotions. Yeah, it's great to smilesometimes in a thumbnail but really, when you evokeemotion, when you're pointing, or when you're looking towards words that actually expresswhat they should click on, that's the start of a great thumbnail. The second part of the process is that you want to actuallytake a lot of pictures.
I usually take about 10 pictures every time I'm going to do a thumbnail. And the reason for that is because you wanna make sureyou find the right one, the perfect picture. And if you only take one or two and you get to the editing process, you're gonna be disappointed 'cause you don't have the right thumbnail that's gonna get thoseclicks and grow your channel. So here's some tipsyou wanna keep in mind. I have the camera right in front of me but I'm over actually to the side because I wanna use this side to put words on on my thumbnail. I also have the cameraabout arm's distance away and the reason for thatis I wanna make sure that I don't have toomuch in the background. I want it really to be my face so you get the emotion that's happening. Now, I'm using an iPhone8, I have a tripod, we'll link all of thegear, really the tripod, down below as well as theapps that we're using, but I do have it on a tripod. Now, you can also do this in selfie and have it and hold the phone, or like I have it here, I have it set up so I can just set the timer. Now, on the phone itself, I actually wanna move it to portrait mode. Again, I have the iPhone8, it has portrait mode, and the reason for that is because it instantlygives me a blurry background. I don't wanna do a lotof editing to this photo so I already want the blurrybackground to have the effect. In order to take the picture, I want to put it on the timer mode. Now, it can be off three or 10 seconds. I'm gonna choose three seconds and I'm gonna have tohustle back to that couch so I can take this photo. There we go! I took a photo. Now, we'll do that about 10 times through, and then we'll get intothe editing process. (smooth RnB music) No photo! So now that we have thephoto that we're choosing, we're gonna go into the editing process.
And I like to breakthis up into two phases. The first phase is actuallyediting and cropping the photo so let's do that. Open up your photo app. You can get right to thephoto that you wanna choose and you hit the edit button. Then, you go into the three dots and you have all ofthese different filters that you can choose from. I really like the vivid filter because it really brightens up the photo. When you're thinking about thumbnails, you don't want dull and dark, you want bright and vibrant. So I like to hit the vivid. Now, I also am going toclick the crop button. And then with that, I'm gonna click it on theside and click 16-by-nine. That's gonna actuallycrop the photo in for me so that I have the right photo. I'm just gonna move it around so that I can get myface in this 16-by-nine and get my fingers in it. But again, I want a lot of space on the side to put the text, and I want my face and thefingers to be pointing directly so that that's what someone looks at. And you're gonna hit Done. The second part of the phaseis to go into the Phonto app. I like the Phonto appbecause it's a free app that you can add text to. So we're gonna go rightinto the Phonto app for Android and iPhone. (smooth RnB music) You're gonna click thelittle camera button and you're going to go to photo album and you're gonna import that last photo. Hit done.
And now, you're gonnaclick right on the screen and it's gonna say add text. This is where you're gonna add the text. And I like to do less thanfive words on a thumbnail. So I'm gonna choose three words. This is a video that I created about what I wish I knew beforeI started homeschooling so I'm gonna put on thethumbnail before you start. I'm gonna separate that upinto three different words. And you can play around with the text and the font and the colors, and you can move thataround on your screen. (techno pop music) I'm gonna adjust it around. You can add a backgroundonto it if you'd like to. (techno pop music) So you can go into style,you can hit background, and you can put a border around it. I like to always think whenI'm creating thumbnails that someone on a phoneis gonna look at it, so I want the words be largeenough for them to read, I want it to be clear textso they can read it easily. And sometimes, I like toplay around with the color. (techno pop music) Background. All right, I like how this thumbnail looks so I'm gonna go ahead andsave that to my camera roll. And now, the thumbnail is done. - (sighs) Man, video two was fire, but we have some questions to answer. Heather, let's go. William says, "Simple:which app do you use?" Now, in this tutorial that you just saw, I was using a free app called Phonto.
Another app that I recommend, I actually recommended thatif you wanna take it further is actually investing in an app. So ones that I like are Canva, PicMonkey,Bazaart, and Photorama. - And of course, don't forget to check out all of the resources listed below because there's a lotpacked in to this video. FlyingRedTailHawk asks, "How do you make the words look nicer?" When it comes to your thumbnails, there's a couple tips that we have and that is you really wannaavoid fonts that are too busy, that are usually toocursive or calligraphy. Now, maybe you wanna usesomething like that for style but remember, clarity iseverything on YouTube. You want the words to be clear, you want them to pop off the thumbnail, if you use words at all. So I recommend using minimalfonts, bold text fonts, and also, if possible, put a box or a rectangle behind the font so that the words really pop off. That's also maybe something to consider is that if you're not gonnaput a rectangle behind it, shoot on a backgroundthat's not very busy, maybe you take a thumbnail shoot where you take a photo of you, but you're on a plain wallor a nice, colored wall or even like those curtainsback there would be nice because they're simple and you could put the textover the top of those. So just be intentionalin the thumbnail creation and the fonts, you choose.
- Yeah, when we're doing thumbnails, we're not just selecting animage from the video file, we're intentional about thethumbnail because remember, getting someone to clickis all about that thumbnail and that title so youwanna make it enticing for them to go furtherwith you in the video. Rachel asks, I love Canva! Is there a way to addthumbnails from mobile or does it all have to be done on desktop? Well, Rachel, that question and answer is coming up later on in this video. But now, we need to get into editing. Let's edit your entireYouTube video on your phone in this next step in the tutorial. - Here we go. - So you've recorded avideo with your phone and now you need to edit it for YouTube. Well, in this video, I'm gonna walk you throughmy easy step-by-step process for editing your videowith just your iPhone. (techno pop music) Hey, I'm Heather Torres with Think Media, bringing you the best tips and tools for building your influence with online video and social media. And on this channel, we dotech reviews, strategy videos, and tutorials just like this so if you're new here,consider subscribing. Now, this video is a videoin a four-part video series where we're helping youlearn how to shoot, edit, and upload your videosdirectly from your iPhone so if you wanna check that out, I'll link it in the YouTube card and down in the description box below. But in this video, I'm gonna walk you throughediting on your phone so let's jump into the video.
Okay, so I'm on my phone screen and we're going to use the app InShot. I like the app InShot becausethere's a paid version, but there's also a free version, and that's the one we're goingto use for this tutorial. Now, you're gonna wannaupload your video file. You click Video, then you click New. When you click New, it'sgonna bring up your album. You're going to importor upload the video file that you've created with your phone. I've already done that here so I'm gonna click on that video. Now, we are gonna headinto the editing process. I like this because there are three different options youcan use for editing your video. First, you can trim off thefront and back of the video. You can also cut sections outfrom the middle of the video, or you can use this toolcalled the Split tool. I like this tool because ithas this option for multi split and that allows you to go through when you know the time code for your video of where you need tocut out your mistakes.
That allows you to go through and make all of your edits in one shot. Now, if you click the button right here, it says, if you wanna revertback, if you made a mistake, it's actually gonna remove allof the splits from that edit. So I like to do it a few at a time, go through, watch the video, and then go back throughand make more multi splits. When you're done, click the checkbox. And now, when you hit the video file, you can see that you have multiple files that you can go through andif you need to take one out, you press Delete, and nowyou have the full file. What I also love about thisfeature is that at the end, when you get to the end, if you want to click on it againand just go back into trim, you can then cut off the end of one of those sectionsthat you've edited. The next step in the editingprocess is to add on our text. So you click the text button, and I like to add text tobe able to add social proof. So if I wanted to put in myhandle for Instagram, let's say, I can grab that and I can actually moveit around the screen. I can click Enter and thenthe text shows up at the top.
I can make that go out or Ican have that be really short. Then, there's the sticker function. Click the sticker function, and if you wanna get like your Instagram, you can click Instagram, it pulls it up right there, and then you can put it right next to it, move that around on your screen, and then you can actually move that to be in the same alignment with the text. Now, if you click on the arrow, I like that you can go tothe end of the video clip if you want that to show the entire time when the video ends, or you can go all the wayover and you can allow that to only be for a certain amount of time. You can also split it. So if you wanna cut it here and you wanna delete thissection, you can do that. So you have a lot ofediting options in here. Now, I would go through andI would make title cards for all of my points in my video. Now, if you want yourtexts to move in and out, you have the option of beingable to move that text, so you can have it come in and out, you can have it moved from the side, you can time how long it takes. So if I wanted it to goin and out like that, you have a lot of options of how that can come into the frame. And that's what I would do for my text. Now, one option you have is to actually add in an intro card. So if I wanted to go in here in my edit and I wanted to split at this time code, and now, I wanna add in a intro. I could go in and I canselect that video file. I already have an intro pre-made,but this is not necessary.
This is just an option if you wanna add an intro to your video. The next thing we're gonnado is add our end card. Now, if you wanna createan end card here on InShot, all you need to do is clickthe arrow at the very top and you're gonna savethis file as a draft. Then you're gonna go into photo. And now, I need to cropthis into a 16-by-nine so that it can be the endcard for my YouTube video. Now, I like to just add an image on here. And then over in the blank space is where two videos on my end card are going to show up on YouTube. So I keep it a 16-by-nine, and let's say I wannaput on here subscribe. All right, I'm done with that, and now I wanna save this image. Okay, now I wanna add the outro. So I'm gonna go to the end of the video, I'm gonna click the button that says Add. I'm gonna go to photos andI'm gonna add that end card. Now, this end card is five seconds long. What's great about YouTube is that your end cardscan be 20 seconds long so I wanna use all that time that I can. So I'm gonna press the copy, copy, copy, and now, I have an end cardthat will play for 20 seconds. The next step is I wanna addmusic to my intro and my outro so I'm gonna scroll back through. There is actually a wideselection of music here on InShot.
So I'm gonna hit tracks. You can go through and listen to all thedifferent types of music. You can also import from your iTunes, and they do have differentmusic that you can use on here, and I really like it soI'm gonna add this one. (smooth RnB music) Now, in the music file itself,you can play with the volume. So I want it to be pretty low and I can have it fade out. And I only want it to go to my intro. All right. So I want this to goto the end of my intro. I'm gonna cut it right there. I'm gonna split it off,I'm gonna delete that side, I'm gonna go here, I'mgonna click volume again, and I'm gonna make surethat's just really low so you can hear me but you do get a little bit of that music. Then, I'm gonna scrollto the end of my video. And right at the end of my video when that end card starts, I'm gonna add that same track on there. (smooth RnB music) And I'm just gonna split it here. And because I'm nottalking during that time, I'm just gonna keep the volumeat a normal volume level. Now, what I also like is thatyou can add sound effects. So if you wanted to go through when you say subscribe or click like, you have the option toadd in different effects.
So if I wanted to add ina popular bubble effect, I could have the bubble effect happen when I say hit subscribe, and the bubble sound would come on. So you can add different sound effects to help allow your videosto come alive more. And now that we haveour full video edited, we are ready to go. We are going to just save and export that, and that is going toexport into your album. All right. So now, your video is readyto be uploaded to YouTube. I like to keep my videos reallysimple but if you wanted to, you could add B-roll or additional photos or even transition cards. But like I said, I liketo keep mine really simple so I can get the content out there. - Man, mega video for the win. If you're getting value sofar, smash the like button, and let us know in the commentsif you've made it this far, and we also wanna passthe question off to you. How long have you been postingvideos on YouTube so far? Maybe you haven't started the channel yet, or maybe let us know howmany videos you've posted, but we have some questionsto answer all about editing so Heather, let's go.
- All right, so the first onecomes from TMA and she says, "What editing software doyou recommend for iPhone?" Now, in the tutorialthat you just watched, I was using InShot, but a couple other onesthat I've invested in that I really liked areLumaFusion, the 2.0 version. Also, KineMaster is agreat editing software, and there's also iMovie. If you have an iPhone, thatcomes directly on your phone and you can do some greatediting with that software. - Steven asks, "What's the best app "for Android for editing?" Heather? - So the best one thatI like is KineMaster, and the reason I like this is because it has a lot offunctionality as an editor. So you have advanced audiocontrols and video controls and you can layer different files. So you can have yourB-roll over your A-roll, you can also do layers of audio, so if you wanna have musicand then sound effects, you can do that. Now, they have a couple different ways. This is a purchased app if you want to get rid of the watermark, but you can get it for $5 per month or $42 for a year currently right now is what they're offering on an Android. - So check out the resource guide if you wanna see details aboutthat in the description below with all these videos and softwares and apps and things like that. - ANDJ Visuals left a comment, and a part really stuck out to me. He said, I keep overthinking how the video shouldlook and delay my upload. (groans) I can relate to this so much and I want you to know, you're not alone.
If you're a creator out there and you felt anxious and overwhelmed and really feeling like, ah, I just don't wanna put this out there 'cause you're afraid of the judgment that could happen with the video or how perfect the videoisn't, that's okay. I still feel like that and I've been creating here onthe platform for five years. And I want you to know that it's important to just get the video out there. Yes, we wanna make surethat we're editing it right, and yes, we wanna make surethat we're filming right, but at some point, when youare finished with that edit, you just have to upload thatvideo and get it published because like Sean says, YouTube is not a sprint, it's a marathon, and so we wanna encourageyou to punch perfectionism in the face and get that video uploaded. - Yeah. So with that, that actually brings us to Part Four in this series which is all about nowhow from your phone, exporting it, uploading it to YouTube, connecting the thumbnail to it. So if you haven't smashed like yet and you've been gettingvalue, hit the like button, and let's just dive intoPart Four right now, and then we'll do Q&A right after. - So how do you upload videosfrom your iPhone to YouTube? And how do you optimizethis so you get more views? Well, in this video, I'mgonna be walking you through our quick step-by-step process coming up. (techno pop music) Hey, I'm Heather Torres with Think Media, bringing you the best tips and tools for growing your influence with online video and social media. And on this channel, we dotechy reviews, strategy videos, as well as tutorial videos just like this so if you're new here,consider subscribing. Now, this video is PartFour of a video series all about how to shoot, edit,and upload from your phone so if you missed Part One, Two, and Three, we'll link it up in the YouTube card and down in the description box below. All right, so you have your video and you're ready to upload it to YouTube.
Now, you do need the YouTube app but you also need the YouTube Studio app. So make sure you have both of those ready to go for this tutorial. All right, so you have yourvideo and you're ready to go. You wanna make sure that youhave a battery that is charged or you're plugged in andyou are connected to wifi. Now, let's get your videouploaded to YouTube. So the first thing you wannado is open up your YouTube app. Up at the top, you'll see a little camera. Click that and thenyou're gonna click Video. You're gonna find the videothat you wanna upload. Here's the video that I want. And it's gonna allow youto have the option to edit. Now, we've already edited our video so you're already set on that, and then you're gonna click Next. Now, you wanna make sure that you give the title of your video and then the description. Now, what I like to do isI like to go into my notes, and I pre-put in thedescription that I wanna have. That allows me to haveall the links that I need and the description, and any calls to actionthat I want to have inside of that section. So I'm just gonna copy that. I'm gonna copy the whole thing. Gonna go back to my YouTube app. That video's in there. I'm gonna paste that into my description. So there you go, everything's in there. I'm gonna title this. This is called five things I wish I before I.
All right. You wanna make sure thatyou upload this as unlisted. So you have the option ofpublic, unlisted, and private. Now, I like to upload it as unlisted because I still have a few more things that I need to do to this video and I don't want it to golive to the public yet. So you wanna click unlisted,and then you can click Upload. Now, you wanna give your video just a little time togo through the process and not close down this window. So you wanna leave this window open while your video ispreparing and processing. - [Announcer] 2,000 years later. - All right, so our video is now uploaded to YouTube unlisted, so the public is not seeing it yet. And now, we need to switchover to the YouTube Studio app. So you're gonna go intothe YouTube Studio app, and you're going tothen pull up the video, clicking the video. You're gonna click that video and then you're gonna see up at the right, you'll see that little pencil. Click that pencil because now, this is where we're gonnaupload our thumbnail. Click Custom Thumbnail. All photos. I'm gonna grab my thumbnail.
I'm gonna select it. So now, that's there. I'm gonna save. Now, you can also add in your tags. Now, in this video,we're not gonna dive in to how you discover what tags to do. We have a free trainingover at where we dive into how to determine what tags you need for your video to get the most amount of views. So then save. And then when you have your tags, you're gonna enter your tag, you're gonna press return, and that's going to bringit up as a single tag. Then press Save, and now, you're ready to go. All you need to do now ischange that unlisted to public when you're ready to publish your video and your video is out in the public. All right! So you made it this far. Wow! Amazing that you're still here. You might need to grab another drink or even grab some food ifyou've been with us this long. But before we get intothis next set of questions, Sean, you've got something cool for us. - Yeah, when it comesto shooting and editing and uploading your video,man, content is king. It really matters forcrushing it on YouTube, but marketing is Queen,and she runs the household. When it comes down to it, mastering titles andthumbnails and descriptions and thinking about how toget your video out there so it actually gets viewsreally is super important and it goes beyond just thevideo production process.
So if you haven't watchedour free masterclass, you can actually see itat, but check out this quick spot, and then we're gonnaget into some questions. Are you ready to start orgrow your YouTube channel? Do you feel stuck and needhelp connecting the dots? Join this free web class where you'll learn thestep-by-step playbook for YouTube success. We've helped thousands ofpurpose-driven entrepreneurs just like you grow theirinfluence with video. Register today for this exclusive training at - So Modestly Mia asks,when I upload a video from my phone on KineMaster to YouTube, the quality of the video goes down. How do I fix this issue? What's the best upload settings to make sure it doesn't lose quality? Now, here's the thing. Both on LumaFusion and KineMaster, you have the options whenyou're rendering out the video to set your export andalso your resolution, your frame rate, and the video quality when you get that uploaded to YouTube. - Yeah, so you just wanna make sure that you're gonna wanna for sure do 1080p. And back in the shootingvideo, we actually shot in 4K. You may even wannaexport in 4K resolution. You definitely wanna beon wifi when uploading.
And then with that, you have those options to just choose a higher quality. So really, your resolution and your video quality are a big deal so experiment a little bit and then when you finallyget that dialed in, all your video shouldlook great on YouTube. - Red Dread Redemption says, how can I set automatic tagsin partial description info? I can deal with copy-pastingthe description info but there has to be a betterway to tackle the tags than what I'm doing. And so, you actually are gonna need to get on a desktop computer to do this because you're gonna wanna go into the default upload settings. So in your YouTube Studio, you go to settings andyou go upload defaults, and then you can actually havesome basic description info that's always there on every upload, and even some base tags that are always there on every upload. So once those are set, even if you're just uploading for mobile, they will be there. And then another thing to keep in mind is that YouTube is always updating the app and so you can look forthis feature in the future. And then finally, if you have your Google Doc system going just as Heather taught, you can always open up your Google Docs and copy your tags, copy your description quick. That is the fastest way I know as well because typing on yourphone is a little bit slower so if you can, sit downand type on a desktop, get most of the bulk of your heavy lifting for tags and description done, then copy-pasting is still a great system, and so there you go.
- So Baby Ava asked, "Can I add clickable linksto my videos with my phone?" And the answer is yes but bear with me because this is kind of ainteresting way of saying it. So when you have links inyour YouTube description, www. to wherever isn't going to work. In YouTube description, you need to have http or https://. So you wanna make sure thatyou have that set up correctly to make sure you have great links for things like affiliate marketing or sending people to your social websites, or sending 'em off the platform to go to your website forfurther relationship with you. - Yeah, and if that term affiliatemarketing was new to you, that's actually one of our favorite ways to make money on YouTube evenif you're just starting out and we actually have avideo all about that. If you wanna check that out, we'll link it up on the YouTube card and put it in the resource guide. - (cheers) We made it tothe end of this mega video! If you're still here, leave a comment down inthe comment section below. We wanna hear from you atthe Think Media community. - But now, it's your turn, so grab your phone andstart shooting some videos. We'll see you in the next one. (Technical power)
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