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10 Tips to Manage Performance & Maximize Results 2021


hi welcome back national corporate trainer and motivational speaker I have a published author I'm very happy to see you again you're here with me today's topic is managed performance and maximize results yes managed performance and maximize results a lot of you would be entrepreneurs you would be project managers project leaders department manager divisional managers or the directors of the organization and you would like to have your organization going to a next level would you not so today's topic is right for you I'm going to give you 10 tips 10 tips to manage performance and maximize results with your team manage performance and maximize results with your team and how would you do that I'll take you to the first point and my first point is link every department to your company's top goals every department you may have a lot of departments link every department to your complete top goals now every department to your company's

Maximize Results images

top goals what does that mean every department every department identify your top goals first unless you know your top goals you would not be able to link them to your top goals I met a recently an organization in Delhi and this is for the small SME small medium enterprises in Delhi in India and you know this organization or top 10 leaders was sitting there and I told them write down your top three goals of your organization they were not able to write down top three go to the organization they were not common then people wrote top three goals and they came out removing the common uncommon there were 15 different goals so what was happening an organization which is running in different directions can never achieve excellence and can never

manage performance and maximize results if you want to manage performance maximize results you have to link every department to the organizational goal I'll take you to the second point determine how well is your team meeting your organizational goals your current team meeting your organizational goals where is it right now so the second point is about identifying the past reality and the current reality it is not about the outcome expected it is about the past reality and the current reality once you know the past reality and the current reality you are able to get close to it then achieving the organizational goals become unless you know the Creole track you know what there's what's the

benefit of running fast but in a wrong direction you need to have the first complete direction with the fast track identify your path track and the patterns what are the patterns in which your teams are moving you are your team managers and you're your other employees are moving find out their existing patterns still now I'll take you to the third point now and the third point is create a clear performance metrics for every department create a clear performance metrics metrics means the number create a clear performance

metrics for every department there are lot of departments where the work is done in quality not in quantity there are all departments where the performance is done to improve not the results but to support the results but you have to make sure as an entrepreneur as a project leader you have to convert each and every single individual employee help him find out his matrix make them convert them into a measurable performance unless you know every person in your organization every department in your organization even a security guard you have to convert this performance into a measuring measurement tool into a matrix unless you you see anything that you cannot measure you cannot

improve so in this link every department with a clear number to identify the current performance and outcome expected unless you have a clear current reality and outcome expected in the numerical form you cannot help them measure so and link and those numbers should be connected to the first point where you should know the top of my additional goals so it should be connected to the point number 1 where we were linking every number to department every departmental number to organizational goals so then that way your entire organization will start running in

a single direction in a numerical format now I take you to the next point and point number four is are you to identify the skill deficit of every individual team member since it is about the identification of skill deficit of every individual team member now it is about individual meetings it is not about the organization at the moment now you have to start meeting in the in the organization you could somehow find out where are they actually what are the gaps you have to become the gap partner you have to become skill deficit

partner you have to identify where which what changes are required in their training so this is now a training need and analysis a training need identification what is the skill deficit at the moment so now I take you to the next point there is point number five discovered opportunities for their improvement and discuss to create an individual professional development plan this is called AI PDP this means individual professional development plan you have to discover opportunities for their improvement and discuss with them my point is you've to discuss with them their individual development plan and their individual

development plan while discussion since you've identified their skill deficit it's about future it's about future so point number six is very beautiful which is connecting who it start asking solution oriented questions the process is by asking questions which are solution oriented questions to your direct report individually for example the question is how are you planning to contribute to main organizational goals now he will make his individual plan he will give you his own individual idea he will make an individual plan how is he going to contribute to the organizational goals if you have to inspire him to think and when you inspire him to think here comes the point number seven and the point number seven says inspire your direct report to come up with a

game-changing idea he has to come up with a game-changing idea in a department to achieve the organizational goals now this is a point where you start inspiring him to come up with an idea this is an empowering activity this is an employee engagement activity this create more retention that will create a lot of retention in your organization where people start spilling in the world and involvement and directly proportionate to commitment and more he involves himself in bringing a game-changing idea and he because he now he feels that I have to bring in a game-changing idea this is going to increase commitment from him so our topic of managing performance to maximize results becomes very easy because now he's coming up with a game-changing idea to achieve the organizational goals so like I said we you start engaging your people and bringing up their own ideas the golden statements say is involvement and directly proportionate to commitment now this is where you start getting their commitment and when you get that commitment less than ideal leaders you're entrepreneurs you're committed employees are the real resource always

remember Henry Ford used to say they cover my entire organization take away my all machinery take away my entire plan but give my top people to me I'll come back in five years I'll bounce back even better now this is what these committed employees if you involve them and let them bring up the game-changing ideas ask them you to give me a game-changing idea help them of course help them and ask them again give me a game-changing idea to help you to improve your department and that will happen they will give you their commitment because they are involved that buy-in is already there I'll repeat that buy-in is there then what in the idea because it is their own idea and that's what this is what a leader is required now this is called leadership with them you're not performing you're not this is not performance

management only this is the leadership wisdom he's not acting as a manager you acting as a leader you're not actually talking about what has happened in the past in fact you more talking about what can happen in the future and that's where we link to the next point so it is so beautiful that it is getting linked up to the next point and next point is in the next sequence and which say is point number eight give the feedback in future tense yes yes give the feedback in future times never ever never ever repeatedly talk about the past mistakes of your team member this is one damaging thing that you can do what has happened in the past has happened in the past never cry on the spilled milk like me

rewind button a note I I talk about it always actually it is not performance appraisal it is performance management performance appraisal is dead people have stopped using performance appraisal they are trying to manage performance by increasing performance in future tens if you do performance appraisal that was fast you trying to give him a report card listen this is what you have done and the more you do that you're actually reducing the initiative ownership and responsibility of your employees this is where I feel so much convinced about this is where people and project managers and entrepreneurs are killing their employees when they give them a report card listen what you have done this is what you've done in the past don't do that instead start giving first thing is of course Bella to

reduce your offerings of Correction don't correct your employees and even if you have to the ground rule is correct them in future tents correct them in future terms give them in a future action plan help them create a future action plan do not talk about the past Corrections as much as you should be talking about the future Corrections let's do this what changes can we bring in you start asking them solution oriented questions what do you think what changes can we bring in to improve the performance what's your idea ask them their ideas and then talk about it then can we do this in future what do you think about it and then create their buy-in by talking about more of Corrections in future only with this I bring you to a ninth point which is so directly connected to it the ninth point is they have to measure their own

performance you have to help him maintain and create a visible in a compelling scoreboard you have to help your individual direct report to maintain his own individual not the department not the divisional but his own individual visible and compelling scoreboard it should be visible to him visible to you always he should be maintaining a scoreboard maintaining scoreboard is such a powerful tool such a powerful tool I have seen you know my son was studying in DPS school in India in Delhi and I dropped him to the school and I saw some kids were playing basketball and while I was coming back after dropping him to school I saw everything was changed and you know what I saw the all of a sudden the entire team was jumping in enthusiasm and actually playing the game I asked people what happened right now I saw them 10 minutes ago they were playing comfortably and now they're actually jumping in excitement so he told me now they've started maintaining a scoreboard maintaining a scoreboard is such a powerful tool when your team starts

maintaining a scoreboard with their school they get to know where they are they know right now am i winning or am i losing they know right now am i winning or am i losing so they don't have to wait for the months end to get to north water end or annual report cards to come up to get to know whether I'm losing or winning so once they know they can actually work hard and remain more focused it's a fantastic idea for managing performance and maximizing results once they start maintaining a scoreboard you can very nicely conveniently manage performance and maximize results with this when they are maintaining their scoreboard I want you to come on a very important and a foundational point how do you deal with your team to actually help them maximize what to do and there I bring you to point number 10 which is the foundation of all these nine points I am bringing order and ten points and point number ten is maintain a great deposit withdrawal equation your deposit withdrawal equation has to be very good forty deposit twenty withdrawal 40 deposit this is what it is look at the screen please 40 deposit 20 withdrawal and 40 deposit when has to maintain a write equation of deposit and withdrawal a lot of managers and a lot of department heads and lot of entrepreneurs they actually miss maintaining the equation

the equation is lost and what is the equation for T deposit 20 withdrawal and 40 deposit so it means before offering any correction any any correction before offering any correction always remember that you have to talk about first any specific good things that they have done in the past do that what he person talk about it and correction has to be very minimum very very specific and then again glorify him again you have to invest your confidence in him you have to invest your trust in him so it is said to gain trust you have to explain trust to gain trust you have to explain to us to gain trust you to explain to us extend to us the 40 question extend trust 20 question to offer correction then again 40 person glorify him by actually inspiring him so the idea is when he leaves you the idea is when he goes back outside your cabin the idea is when he when he leaves you what should happen is he should be going out with lot of energy

and enthusiasm this is one mistake a lot of managers they do after doing a team meeting I they see that their employees instead of getting energized they get de-energized they get be motivated and inspiration level goes down so these are top 10 strategic points to take your organization complete next level to complete transformation you can take your organisation to an absolute next level this is not performance appraisal this is performance management this is not performance appraisal this is not word reading report card it is about improving the future it is

not about the crying on the spilt milk in the past it's all about managing the performance and maximizing results by talking about the future always offer correction in the future then that was not the important point that give the indication about the entire project so that is managing performance and maximizing results we are working with a lot of corporate lines and we do public programs also  participate and come up with your entire deal thank you.

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